hail damage repair near me

Common Misconceptions About Hail Damage Repair

Pull over to the shoulder or under a shelter like a garage or gas station awning if driving during a hail storm. If you continue to drive, the speed of your vehicle, combined with the impact of hail, will increase the damage caused.

Call a specialty repair shop first before calling your insurance company. The repair shop can provide an accurate estimate and help file a supplemental claim to get the money needed for repairs.

Hail Damage is Only Cosmetic

Hail damage isn’t always visible to the naked eye, and homeowners often overlook it. It’s essential to have hail damage inspected by professionals, especially for roofs. Even small cracks or bruising in shingles can worsen over time, leading to leaks and further degradation.

Many people decide not to make an insurance claim or get their hail-damaged cars repaired because they think the damage is only cosmetic. However, this colossal mistake could cost you in the long run. 

To repair hail damage, hail damage repair Denver CO specialists use special tools. These are typically long-handled, thin metal pushing tools that reach under or inside your body panels to gently but firmly push down on them until the damage is gone. They can also perform paintless dent repair, a fast and safe process for the vehicle’s body and paint.

Pea-Sized Hail is Harmless

Hailstorms can be menacing natural phenomena that cause damage to cars, homes, and crops. It’s no secret that hail damage can devalue a vehicle, but many car owners need to be more informed about the effects of this weather event.

The size of the hailstones plays a big role in how much damage they do, but not everyone realizes that pea-sized hail can still cause harm. Small bits of hail can cause hundreds of dents on your car’s bodywork, and they can alter the shape of the metal panels. This affects the aerodynamics of your car, which can decrease fuel efficiency and impact how well it drives.

Pea-sized hail can also dent a roof, especially if high winds push it or last long. But it’s important to note that comprehensive insurance will pay for this damage. If you decide to file a claim, it’s important not to let the damage increase your premium.

It’s Not Covered By Insurance

Many kinds of damage can occur during a storm, some of which are not covered by insurance. This includes water damage from a roof puncture, wind damage, and structural damage to buildings and cars. It’s essential to have a professional inspect your vehicle after a hailstorm to identify the damage and determine if it is insured under your comprehensive coverage policy.

Car owners hesitant to file an insurance claim for hail damage may be worried about their premiums increasing. However, most comprehensive insurance policies include damage from hail as a part of the deductible.

Another concern is that the hail repair process will hurt your paint job. Using PDR, expert technicians can restore your body panels to their original condition without disturbing the paint finish. This preserves the resale value of your vehicle, and it’s a great alternative to traditional body filler and painting. For this reason, it is the preferred method of repairing hail damage.

It’s Not a Big Deal

Many people believe that hail damage will not affect a car’s value. The truth is that even very light hail damage can depreciate your vehicle’s value significantly.

Buying a used vehicle with existing hail damage is always a risk. Dealerships will often sell vehicles with existing hail damage because they are trying to make a quick profit. Depending on the severity of the hail damage, it can be costly to repair and may even require new paint and parts. Suppose you’re looking to buy a vehicle with existing hail damage. In that case, we recommend contacting a specialty shop that specializes in car repair and can provide accurate pricing for the work needed. This will ensure you’re not getting taken advantage of by an unscrupulous dealership. It’s also important to know that comprehensive insurance will cover hail damage. Your vehicle’s overall value will not be affected if you file an insurance claim.